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(中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 100083)
研究日光温室不同通风形式对室内湿热特性的影响。采用计算流体动力学数值模拟方法,构建日光温室作物-环境湿热系统的数值模拟模型。将模拟结果与试验测量结果进行对比,温度和相对湿度的模拟值与实测值的最大相对误差分别为4.7%和4.1%,验证了所构建模型的准确性。应用该模型模拟不同通风形式下温室内的气流和温湿度分布情况,比较分析不同的通风形式对室内湿热特性的影响。结果表明:不同的通风形式会影响室内气流的运动轨迹和速度,从而影响室内温度和相对湿度的分布变化。仅开启上通风口通风时,室内的平均温度和相对湿度较高,气候分布均匀,整体变化较小,适宜冬春季节或清晨傍晚室内温湿度较低时的通风要求;仅开启下通风口通风时室内温湿度分布模式均匀性最差,进风口处的温湿度明显低于北墙,且进口存在涡流,不利于作物生长发育;上、下通风口均只开一半通风时,作物区平均温度和相对湿度分别为39.3 ℃和25%,上、下通风口均全开时作物区平均温度和相对湿度为36.8 ℃和23.7%,较于前者室内温度和相对湿度分别降低了2.5 ℃和1.3%,适宜于炎热天气下日光温室内的降温除湿要求。
关键词:  日光温室  计算流体动力学  微气候  通风形式  多孔介质
Numerical simulation of humid heat characteristics in solar greenhouse under different ventilation modes
ZHENG Ruolin,YANG Wei*,LIU Zhuqing
(College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)
The effects of different ventilation modes on the indoor humidity and heat characteristics of solar greenhouse were studied. A numerical simulation model of crop environment moisture heat system in solar greenhouse was established by using computational fluid dynamics numerical simulation method. The comparison of simulation results with experimental results shows that the maximum relative errors of the simulated and measured values of temperature and relative humidity are 4. 7% and 4. 1%, respectively, which verifies the accuracy of the model. The model is then applied to simulate the air flow and temperature and humidity distribution in the warm room under different ventilation modes, and the effects of different ventilation modes on the indoor humidity and heat characteristics are compared and analyzed. The results show that: Different ventilation modes affect the movement track and velocity of indoor air flow, thus affecting the distribution of indoor temperature and relative humidity. When only the upper vent is opened for ventilation, the indoor average temperature and relative humidity are high, the climate distribution is uniform, and the overall change is small, which is suitable for the ventilation requirements in winter and spring or when the indoor temperature and humidity are low in the early morning and evening; When only the lower vent is opened for ventilation, the indoor temperature and humidity distribution pattern is the worst. The temperature and humidity at the air inlet is significantly lower than the north wall, and there is vortex at the inlet, which is not conducive to the growth and development of crops; When the upper and lower vents are only half open for ventilation, the average temperature and relative humidity of the crop area are 39. 3 ℃ and 25%, respectively. When the upper and lower vents are fully open, the average temperature and relative humidity of the crop area are 36. 8 ℃ and 23. 7%, respectively. Compared with the former, the indoor temperature and relative humidity of this mode are significantly reduced, which is suitable for the cooling and dehumidification requirements in the solar greenhouse in summer or hot weather.
Key words:  solar greenhouse  computational fluid dynamics  microclimate  window opening mode  porous medium