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(1.华中农业大学 经济管理学院, 武汉 430070;2.黄冈师范学院 商学院, 湖北 黄冈 438000;3.湖北农村发展研究中心, 武汉 430070)
为实现秸秆还田技术推广的长效性,基于河南、湖北两省共1 102份农户微观调查数据,运用Probit回归模型,从情感支持和信息支持2个维度探究了社会支持对农户秸秆还田技术主动采纳行为的影响,并在此基础上进一步探讨了社会支持促进农户主动采纳秸秆还田技术的内在机制。结果表明:1)社会支持不仅能够直接促进农户主动采纳秸秆还田技术,还通过秸秆还田技术知识和认同感知的中介路径间接影响农户秸秆还田技术的主动采纳行为;2)情感支持和信息支持正向影响农户主动采纳行为;3)农户的健康状况会显著促进农户的主动采纳行为,土地块数对农户采纳行为的主动性具有抑制作用,相比河南省,湖北省农户主动实施秸秆还田行为的比例更高。因此,要提高农户秸秆还田技术主动采纳行为,需要强化软硬件环境建设,营造社会支持氛围,增强服务有效供给,提高农户支持获得感,宣传内容情理兼顾,提升农户认知水平,鼓励土地流转,增强农户机械化作业便利性。
关键词:  社会支持  情感支持  信息支持  主动采纳行为  秸秆还田
Giving consideration to emotion and rationality: Analysis of the impact of social support on farmers' active adoption of straw returning technology
JIANG Weijun1,2,3,YAN Tingwu1,3*
(1.College of Economics & Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2.College of Business, Huanggang Normal University, Huanggang 438000, China;3.Hubei Rural Development Research Center, Wuhan 430070, China)
In order to achieve the long-term effectiveness of the promotion of straw returning technology, based on 1 102 micro survey data of farmers in Henan and Hubei province, this study uses Probit regression model to explore the impact of social support on farmers' active adoption of straw returning technology from the two dimensions of emotional support and information support. The internal mechanism of social support to promote farmers' active adoption of straw returning technology is further discussed. The results show that: 1)Social support can not only directly promote farmers' active adoption of straw returning technology, but also indirectly affect farmer' active adoption of straw returning technology through the intermediary path of straw returning technology knowledge and identity perception; 2)Emotional support and information support positively affect farmers' active adoption behavior; 3)The health status of farmers will significantly promote the active adoption behavior of farmers. The number of land blocks can inhibit the initiative of farmers' adoption behavior. Compared with Henan Province, Hubei Province has a higher probability of farmers' active straw returning behavior. Therefore, in order to improve the farmers' active adoption of straw returning technology, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of software and hardware environment, create a social support atmosphere, enhance the effective supply of services, improve the farmers' sense of support, give consideration to both reason and reason, improve the farmers' cognitive level, encourage land circulation, and enhance the convenience of farmers' mechanized operation.
Key words:  social support  emotional support  information support  active adoption behavior  straw returning