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(西北农林科技大学 信息工程学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100)
针对智能温室群中数据共享和决策执行不可信以及设备决策执行情况无法验证的问题,基于联盟链和人工神经网络等技术,提出了一种智能温室群数据共享及决策协同方案。该方案基于联盟链构建了数据提供方、数据决策方和决策分析方的交互流程;数据提供方利用智能合约技术将时间段内的数据散列上链存储并将数据发送至数据决策方,以链上链下的方式实现数据哈希可验证;数据决策方以经过链上校准的可信智能温室环境数据训练人工神经网络模型,将决策结果存储到链上;决策分析方从链上查询决策结果,调动控制装置执行并上链执行状态。基于Hyperledger Fabric构建了一个原型系统,测试结果表明:1)该方案可以实现数据提供方数据摘要存储及数据共享、决策模型训练、决策数据上链与决策过程的链上执行;2)在区块的最大打包数和最大存储字节确定的条件下,区块打包时间为4 s时,数据存储到联盟链中平均时延最低为30.4 s,吞吐量最大为27.3事务数/s。本方案能够实现智能温室数据的可信共享,提高决策执行结果的真实性验证。
关键词:  智能温室群  联盟链  数据共享  决策协同  可信性
Scheme of data sharing and decision collaboration of intelligent greenhouse group based on consortium blockchain
(College of Information Engineering, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China)
In order to solve the problems of distrust of data sharing and decision execution and unverifiable equipment decision-making in current intelligent greenhouse group, a scheme of data sharing and decision collaboration in the intelligent greenhouse group based on consortium blockchain and artificial neural network is proposed. The scheme builds the interactive process of the data provider, the data decision maker and the decision analyst based on consortium blockchain. Based on the smart contract technology, a period data is saved by hash on blockchain and send to the data decision maker by the data provider, which verifies data hash in an on-blockchain and off-blockchain way. After training the artificial neural network algorithms with the trusted intelligent greenhouse environmental data calibrated on blockchain, the data decision maker saves the decision results on blockchain; After querying the decision results from blockchain, the decision analyst mobilizes the execution of the control device and saves the execution state on blockchain. Based on Hyperledger Fabric, a prototype system is constructed, and the test results showed that: 1)The scheme can realize the hash data storage and the data sharing of the data provider, decision model training, the decision-making data on-blockchain and the execution of the decision-making process on-blockchain; 2)Under the condition that the maximum number of blocks and the maximum storage bytes are determined, when the block packaging time is 4 s, the average delay of data storage to the alliance chain is at least 30. 4 s, and the maximum throughput is 27. 3 transaction/s. The scheme can realize the trusted sharing of intelligent greenhouse data, improve the authenticity verification of decision execution results.
Key words:  intelligent greenhouse group  consortium blockchain  data sharing  decision collaboration  creditability