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张雄智1,李帅帅1,刘冰洋1,张云2,Ahmad Latif Virk1,王兴1,赵鑫1,张海林1*
(1.中国农业大学 农学院/农业农村部农作制度重点试验室, 北京 100193;2.中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 100193)
为明确免耕与秸秆还田对中国农田固碳和作物产量的影响,基于1995—2019年公开发表文献中的 1 162 对研究数据,综合分析免耕和秸秆还田的农田生态及生产效应。结果表明,在全国(不包括香港和澳门特别行政区、台湾省)范围内,仅考虑耕作影响,以翻耕为对照,免耕试验中,占比75.00%的试验研究表现出固碳速率提高,占比42.70%的试验研究表现出增产;仅考虑秸秆影响,以秸秆不还田为对照,秸秆还田试验中占比88.23%的试验表现出固碳速率提高,占比79.80%的试验表现出增产。与传统方式相比,免耕与秸秆还田技术充分推广后,其固碳潜力可分别增至2.22×1010和7.00×1010 kg/年,增幅分别为63.90%和7.00%;全国主要粮食作物总产量分别增加-1.16%和3.72%。回归分析表明,免耕对作物产量和有机碳的影响分别与平均气温极显著相关,与土壤粘粒含量显著相关;秸秆还田对作物产量的影响与试验年限显著相关,与土壤pH极显著相关,而对有机碳的影响则与粘粒含量和土壤pH显著相关。总体上,免耕和秸秆还田可明显提高土壤的固碳能力,但存在地域上的差异,免耕和秸秆还田相对传统耕作在区域Ⅰ、区域Ⅱ和区域Ⅳ等区域表现为固碳速率提高。未来应进一步挖掘免耕与秸秆还田的互作效应,进一步增强农田生态效益,提高作物产量。
关键词:  免耕  秸秆还田  农田  固碳  产量
Effects of no-till and residue retention on carbon sequestration and yield in China
ZHANG Xiongzhi1,LI Shuaishuai1,LIU Bingyang1,ZHANG Yun2,AHMAD LATIF Virk1,WANG Xing1,ZHAO Xin1,ZHANG Hailin1*
(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology/Key Laboratory of Farming System of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of no-till and residue retention on carbon sequestration and yield in Chinese farmland. Based on 1 162 pairs of data from published literatures from 1995 to 2019, this study comprehensively analyzed the farmland ecology and production effect of no-till and residue retention. The results showed that: At the national scale(excluding Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan Province), considering the effect of tillage, 75. 00% of no-till experiments showed an increase in carbon sequestration rate, and 42. 70% showed an increase in yield; Considering the influence of straw, 88. 23% of residue retention experiments showed an increase in carbon sequestration rate and 79. 80% showed an increase in yield. Under the situation that no-till and residue retention were fully promoted, the carbon sequestration potential of no-till and residue retention could be increased up to 2. 22×1010 and 7. 00×1010 kg/year and with increases of 63. 90% and 7. 00%. The no-till and residue retention would increase the national grain output to 6. 09×108 and 6. 39×108 t, with increases of -1. 16% and 3. 72%. Regression analysis showed that the effects of no-till on crop yield and organic carbon were significantly correlated with the average temperature and clay content. The effects of residue retention on crop yield were very significantly correlated with experimental years, correlated with pH, and significantly correlated with clay content and pH. In general, compared with conventional tillage, the no-till and residue retention could significantly improve the carbon sequestration capacity of soil, but there were regional differences. Compared with conventional tillage, the no-till and residue retention increases the carbon sequestration rate in Region Ⅰ, Region Ⅱ and Region Ⅳ. In the future, the interaction effects between no-tillage and residue retention should be further explored to improve farmland ecology and increase crop yield.
Key words:  no-till  residue retention  farmland  carbon sequestration  yield