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蔡荣, 汪紫钰, 刘婷
(南京财经大学 粮食安全与战略研究中心, 南京 210003)
为了加快节水灌溉技术推广和普及,采用内生转换回归模型分析农户节水灌溉技术采用行为,并评估节水灌溉技术的增产效应,结果表明,节水灌溉技术的增产效应十分显著,能够使农户每hm2胡萝卜产量增加约7 961 kg,相当于单产水平的21%。户主受教育程度、家庭在外务工人数和技术采用经历对农户节水灌溉技术采用行为影响显著;生产规模大、参与产销合作的农户也会更倾向于采用节水灌溉技术。根据研究结论,本研究最后提出了4点政策建议:1)努力提升农户受教育程度;2)积极推进耕地适度规模经营;3)大力推广产销合作模式;4)加强节水灌溉技术推广力度。
关键词:  节水灌溉技术  效应评估  内生转换回归  采用行为
Impact of drip irrigation technique on agricultural yield: Evidence from 318 carrot producers in Yanjin County
CAI Rong, WANG Ziyu, LIU Ting
(Center for Food Security and Strategic Studies, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210003, China)
Rapid population growth and multiple competing demands for water (i.e., drinking, industrial uses) have contributed to irrigation water scarcity in many Asian developing countries including China. In order to solve the problem of increasing water scarcity caused by the food demand of a rapidly growing population, more efficient water management practices-water-saving technologies-are needed. A water-saving technology of drip irrigation approach was developed for vegetable cultivation in China. This impact of drip irrigation technique in carrot production in Yanjin County was evaluated. Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR) was applied to analyze the farm-level survey data. The results of the impact analysis using ESR indicated that drip irrigation had a significant positive impact on crop yield and increased yield by 7 961 kg per hm2, account for 21% of the average production. The educational level of the head of the household, the number of household members working outside and the experience of adopting technique had a significant impact on the adoption of drip irrigation technique. Farms with larger production capacity and participating in producing-marketing cooperation were more likely to adopt drip irrigation technique. Based on this study, four countermeasures were put forwarded at the end of this study:1) Strive to improve farmers' educational level; 2) Advance appropriate scale management actively; 3) Popularize producing-marketing cooperation; 4) Promote water-saving irrigation technique increasingly.
Key words:  water-saving irrigation technique  impact assessment  endogenous switching regression  adoption behavior