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陈晨, 龚海青, 金梦灿, 郜红建
(安徽农业大学 资源与环境学院/农田生态保育与污染防控安徽省重点实验室, 合肥 230036)
为探讨在NH4+-N和NO3--N条件下不同水稻品种生物量、磷素含量及磷素累积量的差异。利用国际水稻所营养液培养方法,在相同浓度(40 mg/L)NH4+-N和NO3--N条件下测定102个水稻品种苗期生物量和磷素吸收积累量的差异,并采用隶属函数法将评价指标进行标准化,基于磷效率综合值和分层聚类热图分析,进行水稻品种磷效率类型划分。在NH4+-N和NO3--N下,不同水稻品种的生物量和磷累积量差异性显著,变异系数分别在52.83%~69.54%和52.82%~73.82%。在NH4+-N和NO3--N培养下的主成分情况相同,主成分1由茎叶生物量、根系生物量、整株生物量、茎叶磷累积量、根系磷累积量和整株磷累积量决定,主要反映植株的生物量及磷素累积量;主成分2由不同器官的磷含量决定。综合水稻苗期磷素吸收累积统计分析方法,将茎叶生物量、根系生物量、整株生物量、茎叶磷累积量、根系磷累积量和整株磷累积量作为水稻苗期磷高效综合评价指标。初步认为‘2845’、‘中籼2503’、‘华瑞稻’、‘连粳7号’、‘德香4103’、‘甬优9号’、‘Ⅱ优602’、‘两优766’、‘盐粳11号’、‘丰两优80’和‘深两优1813’为2种氮素供应下的磷高效型品种/系。
关键词:  水稻  NH4+-N  NO3--N  磷效率  磷高效品种
Primary screening of high phosphorus use efficiency of rice varieties under NH4+-N and NO3--N conditions
CHEN Chen, GONG Haiqing, JIN Mengcan, GAO Hongjian
(School of Resources and Environment/Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Farmland Ecological Conservation and Pollution Prevention, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China)
The aim of this study was to provide theoretical basis for screening rice varieties with high phosphorus efficiency by investigating the aboveground biomass, phosphorus content and phosphorus accumulation of different rice varieties under same concentration of NH4+-N and NO3--N. A of 102 rice varieties at seedling stage were taking as study material. The subordinate function of interval[0, 1] was adopted to standardize the evaluation indices of rice standardized using. The 102 rice varieties were classified based on the integrated value of phosphorus efficiency and hierarchical cluster analysis. There were significant differences in leaf, root and whole plant stem, as well as P accumulation in roots, stems and leaves of the different rice varieties under same NH4+-N and NO3--N incubation conditions, and the coefficients of variation were ranged from 52.83% to 69.54% and from 52.82% to 73.82%, respectively. Different rice varieties had same principal components under both NH4+-N and NO3--N conditions. The first principal component, which reflected the biomass indices and P accumulation, was mainly determined by the whole plant, stem, leaf and root biomass, as well as accumulated P in the whole plant, stem and leaf and root. The second principal component was determined by P content in different parts of rice plants. By integrating variation characteristics and statistic analysis of P uptake and accumulation in rice, the whole plant biomass, stem and leaf biomass, root biomass, whole plant P accumulation, stem and leaf P accumulation and root P accumulation were considered as indices to evaluate high P use efficiency potentials of rice varieties at seedling stage. The rice varieties of ‘2845’, ‘ZS2503’, ‘HRD’, ‘LJ 7’, ‘DX 4103’, ‘YY 9’, ‘ⅡY 602’, ‘LY 766’, ‘YJ 11’, ‘FLY 80’ and ‘SLY 1813’ were identified as the high P use efficiency varieties under both NH4+-N and NO3--N conditions.
Key words:  rice varieties  NH4+-N,NO3--N  phosphorus use efficiency  high phosphorus efficient variety