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范诸平, 高亦珂, 刁晓华, 王映阁, 郭彦超, 张启翔
(北京林业大学 园林学院/国家花卉工程技术研究中心, 北京 100083)
为研究多季花有髯鸢尾杂交后代性状的遗传规律,以多季花有髯鸢尾品种Iris ‘Halston’(赫氏蓝)和I.‘White and Yellow’(白与黄)为杂交亲本,构建杂交F1代群体和回交BC1代群体。表型性状统计分析结果表明:1) F1和BC1的二次花率分别提高到24.14%和35.18%;2)与观赏性紧密相关的垂瓣长度和旗瓣长度,垂瓣宽度和旗瓣宽度分别趋于连锁遗传;3) BC1的花色变异丰富,可产生白色系、紫晕系、黄色系、深色系、垂瓣基部有斑型、垂瓣边缘有斑型、垂瓣紫色旗瓣黄色型7种不同类型的花色;4) F1和BC1的花型产生较大变异,经过多代选育,旗瓣、垂瓣长宽比逐渐增加,花瓣更加狭长,观赏性增强。综上,多季花有髯鸢尾的花部性状可连锁遗传,以赫氏蓝和白与黄为亲本,通过杂交和回交可提高后代的二次花稳定性,并产生大量花色和花型变异。
关键词:  鸢尾  多季花  杂交后代  表型性状
Inheritance of reblooming bearded Iris ‘hybrid’s phenotypic traits
FAN Zhuping, GAO Yike, DIAO Xiaohua, WANG Yingge, GUO Yanchao, ZHANG Qixiang
(College of Landscape Architecture/National Floriculture Engineering Research Centre, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)
In order to investigate the inheritance of Iris hybrid,the reblooming bearded iris cultivar Iris ‘Halston’ and I. ‘White and Yellow’ were selected as parents for hybridization to establish F1 generation and BC1 generation.The results showed that:1) The reblooming rates of F1 and BC1 were improved by 24.14% and 35.18%,respectively;2) The length of falls and standards,as well as the width of falls and standards,which were key ornamental characters of bearded iris,may be linked inherited;3) The bloom colors of BC1 had abundant variations,leading to seven different kinds of colors,namely white type,purple halo type,yellow type,dark color type,type with stains on the basal part of fall,type with stains on the edge of fall,type with purple fall and yellow standard;4) The falls and standards of F1 and BC1 performed various shapes and became narrower and longer,thus their ornamental values were improved.In conclusion,the floral characters of reblooming bearded iris were linkage traits.Hybridization and backcross with I. ‘Halston’ and I. ‘White and Yellow’ being parents could generate more rebloomers,flower colors and shapes.
Key words:  iris  reblooming  hybrid  phenotypic character