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王树林, 祁虹, 王燕, 张谦, 冯国艺, 林永增, 梁青龙, 雷晓鹏
(河北省农林科学院 棉花研究所/农业部黄淮海半干旱区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 石家庄 050051)
为探明土壤耕层重构与灌水对棉花生育性状及产量的影响,采用随机区组设计,于2015和2016年在河北省农林科学院棉花研究所威县试验站设置5个处理,分别是CK(旋耕),常量底墒水(675 m3/hm2);T1,旋耕,高量底墒水(1 200 m3/hm2);T2,土壤耕层重构,高量底墒水;T3,土壤耕层重构,高量底墒水,花铃期超量灌水(1 800 m3/hm2)模拟涝灾;T4,土壤耕层重构,高量底墒水,中后期不灌水;2016年降雨量偏大,各处理只灌底墒水。调查测定不同生育时期不同耕层土壤水分含量、棉花生育性状和产量性状。结果表明:T1在干旱年份(2015年)能提高籽棉产量,在多雨年份(2016年)增产效果不明显。耕层重构提高棉田土壤20 cm以下土层蓄水保墒与缓冲调节能力,在暴雨(模拟)条件下不致形成涝灾,在干旱条件下深层土壤水分上移供棉花生长需求。T2棉花苗期与蕾期生长慢,花铃期生长快,具有明显的后发优势,干旱年份(2015年)与多雨年份(2016年)分别较对照籽棉产量增加27.0%与8.7%,T4处理2年较对照分别增产14.6%与10.1%;T3与T2处理2年产量差异均不显著,表现出较强的耐涝能力。土壤耕层重构是棉田节水增产的有效耕作措施,具有抗旱耐涝作用,可有效提高棉花产量。
关键词:  土壤耕层重构  灌水  土壤含水量  棉花  产量
Effects of restructuring tilth layer and irrigation on soil water content and cotton yield traits
WANG Shulin, QI Hong, WANG Yan, ZHANG Qian, FENG Guoyi, LIN Yongzeng, LIANG Qinglong, LEI Xiaopeng
(Cotton Research Institute/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Cotton in Huanghuaihai Semiarid Area of Ministry of Agriculture, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, Shijiazhuang 050051, China)
To identify the effects of restructuring tilth layer and irrigation on soil water content and cotton development traits, five treatments were designed according to randomized block design at Wei County experimental station of the Cotton Research Institute of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science in 2015 and 2016. CK was rotary tillage with conventional irrigation amount (675 m3/hm2) before sowing. T1 was rotary tillage with high irrigation amount (1 200 m3/hm2). T2 was restructuring tilth layer with high irrigation amount (1 200 m3/hm2). T3 was restructuring tilth layer with high irrigation amount (1 200 m3/hm2) and excessive irrigation amount of 1 800 m3/hm2 in boll stage simulating waterlogging. T4 was restructuring tilth layer with high irrigation amount (1 200 m3/hm2) and no irrigation in cotton growing period. In 2016, because of redundant rainfall all plots were irrigated with start water. Soil water content, cotton development traits in cotton growing stages and yield components were investigated. The results showed that T1 increased seed cotton yield in drought year (2015) but had no obvious effect in rainy year (2016) compared with CK. Restructuring tilth layer improved soil water conserving and adjusting ability for deep layers (below 20 cm layer) in cotton fields, which effectively avoided waterlogging in storm conditions, and in drought conditions soil water in deep layers moved up to meet the requirement of cotton growing. Cotton of restructuring tilth layer grew slowly at seedling and square stage, but grew quickly in boll stage with obvious late-development advantage. In drought year (2015) and rainy year (2016) seed cotton yield was increased by 27.0% and 8.7% for T2 compared with CK, and for T4 it was 14.6% and 10.1% respectively. There was no significant difference for seed cotton yield between T3 and T2 in two years, which showed that waterlogging tolerance of restructuring tilth layer was improved. Restructuring tilth layer was an effective measure to save water and increase yield with resistance to drought and waterlogging.
Key words:  restructuring tilth layer  irrigation  soil water content  cotton  yield