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姜雨林, 陈中督, 遆晋松, 隋鹏, 陈阜
(中国农业大学 农学院/农业部农作制度重点实验室, 北京 100193)
为探索解决长期冬小麦-夏玉米(麦-玉)单一轮作两熟模式导致农田温室气体排放加剧的问题,基于Denitrification-Decomposition(DNDC)模型分析当前气侯环境下华北地区不同轮作模式对土壤耕层有机碳储量及温室气体排放的影响。结果表明:2003—2014年各轮作模式碳汇速率整体表现为麦-玉 > 麦-豆 > 麦-玉-春玉米 > 麦-玉-大豆 > 春-玉米连作;长期模拟发现,一年两熟制 > 两年三熟制 > 一年一熟制轮作模式,麦玉轮作模式碳汇速率最高,有利于有机碳的长期积累,春玉米连作有机碳储量短期内有所增加,长期则表现出负增长趋势。全球增温潜势(GWP)研究发现,各轮作模式增温潜势整体表现为麦-玉 > 麦-玉-春玉米 > 麦-豆 > 麦-玉-大豆 > 春-玉米连作;从长远角度看,各模式增温潜势短期内都呈增加趋势,15年后维持稳定,稳定后麦玉模式排放量最大,而春玉米连作模式排放最低,禾豆轮作相比禾本科轮作具有很好的固碳减排效应。因此,在华北地区农田管理方面,可考虑推行禾豆轮作模式,最终达到提高土壤有机碳库和减少温室气体排放的目标。
关键词:  气候变化  DNDC模型  轮作模式  有机碳储量  全球增温潜势
Simulation of soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emission under different rotation systems in the North China Plain
JIANG Yulin, CHEN Zhongdu, TI Jinsong, SUI Peng, CHEN Fu
(College of Agronomy and Biotechnology/Key Laboratory of farming system of Ministry of Agriculture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China)
Serious increasing groundwater table decline and growing greenhouses gas emissions from farmland, which were resulted from current sole winter-summer maize double cropping system, affected the ecosystem health and agricultural sustainable development. Denitrification-Decomposition(DNDC)model was adopted to simulate local dynamic change of soil carbon storage and characteristics of greenhouse gas emission under different rotation systems in the North China Plain. During the period of 2003-2014, the five cropping systems had different rate of carbon sink:winter wheat-summer maize > wheat-soybean > winter wheat-summer maize-spring maize > winter wheat-summer maize-soybean > single spring maize. Long term simulation showed that double cropping system > tripe cropping system > single cropping system. Winter wheat-summer maize mode had a highest rate of carbon sink which benefits the long-term accumulation of organic carbon. Carbon sink rate of single spring maize mode decreased with a slight increase in the beginning. GWP research showed that winter wheat-summer maize > winter wheat-summer maize-spring maize > winter wheat-soybean > winter wheat-summer maize-soybean > single spring maize. After the long term simulation, it was found that all modes achieved stability after 15 years while increased in the beginning. Winter Wheat-Summer maize mode had the highest level of greenhouse emission while single spring maize mode had the least. Gramineae-legume rotation mode has better abatement effect of greenhouse gas and carbon absorbing effect than gramineae rotation. Promoting gramineae-legume rotation mode in the North China Plain was suggested to reduce regional greenhouse emission while keep high level of carbon absorbing in this study.
Key words:  climate change  DNDC model  rotation  carbon storage  global warming potential