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傅国海, 杨其长, 刘文科
(中国农业科学院 农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室, 北京 100081)
为对比不同类型起垄内嵌式基质栽培垄的温热性能,设置处理1为梯形土垄(T1),底宽40 cm,高15 cm;处理2为栽培槽(基质)宽度减小一半SSC垄(T2),底宽为35 cm;处理3为槽体全嵌入(15 cm)地平表面的SSC垄(T3),高度为0 cm;处理4为半嵌入(5 cm)地平表面的SSC垄(T4),高度为10 cm;处理5为外侧无土包被的单一裸槽垄(T5),宽度为10 cm;处理6为标准SSC垄(T6),规格与土垄一致。分别探究了宽度差异(T1、T2、T5和T6)和嵌入深度差异(T3、T4、T5和T6)栽培垄的根区温热变化特征及其甜椒苗生长情况。结果表明,宽度差异的栽培垄中,T6根区抵御环境低温的能力最强,最低温度分别比T1、T2和T5高0.55、1.27和1.33℃。T6的侧面和垂直方向上的热量传递较为缓慢和持久,能够蓄积更多的热量。嵌入深度和土壤包被差异的栽培垄中,T5抗低温能力最弱,T6抗低温能力最强,最低温度分别比T3、T4和T5高0.44、0.84和1.55℃。T3根区温度的稳定性较强。相对的,T3侧面和垂直方向上的根区热量传递缓慢,T5热量传导最为剧烈,T6在2个方向上的吸热时间较长。此外,宽度差异栽培垄中,T2、T5和T6甜椒幼苗生长优于T1,且T6最优;嵌入深度和土壤包被差异栽培垄中,T5甜椒幼苗的生长比其他处理差,T3和T6甜椒的各项指标差异不显著,但T6更有优势。总之,T6抗低温的能力比其他处理强,能够有效蓄积热量并且减缓热量散失,为冬季日光温室甜椒幼苗生长创造良好的根区温度条件,促进甜椒幼苗的生长。
关键词:  日光温室  SSC垄  根区温度  热通量  甜椒幼苗生长
Diurnal temperature and heat exchange changes of soil ridged substrate-embedded cultivation ridges as well as their sweet pepper seedlings growth differences in winter in Chinese solar greenhouse
FU Guohai, YANG Qichang, LIU Wenke
(Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture/Key Laboratory of Energy Conservation and Waste Management of Agricultural Structures of Ministry Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
In order to explore the temperature of different ridges by using soil ridged substrate-embedded cultivation (SSC) method,soil ridge with 40 cm width,15 cm height as treatment 1 (T1),SSC ridge with 35 cm width as treatment 2 (T2),SSC ridge with 0 cm height as treatment 3 (T3),SSC ridge with 10 cm height as treatment 4 (T4),naked substrate tank with 10 cm width as treatment 5 (T5) and SSC ridge with 40 cm width,15 cm height as treatment 6 (T6) were set.The results showed that the root zone temperature was low in winter in CSG,ranging from 10-20℃.Under different width of cultivation ridges,the ability of T6 root zone to resist low-temperature stress was the strongest,and it was 0.55,1.27 and 1.33℃ higher than T1,T2 and T5,respectively.Correspondingly,the heat exchange of the lateral and vertical direction of T6 was relatively slow,and T6 was able to accumulate more energy.For different embedded depth and lateral soil forms,the ability of T5 root zone to resist the low-temperature stress was the worst,while T6 was the strongest with 0.44,0.84 and 1.55℃ higher compared with T3,T4 and T5.Although,the root zone temperature stability of T3 was strong,the diurnal root zone temperature was low.Correspondingly,the heat transfer of lateral and vertical direction of T3 were slow with less heat incoming compared with T6 which in the two directions of heating for a long time and store more heat,while T5 was violent.In addition,for different width of cultivation ridges,sweet pepper seedlings growth of T3,T5 and T6 was superior to that of T1,and T6 performance best.For different embedded depth and lateral soil forms of cultivation ridges,sweet pepper seedlings growth of T5 were worse than that of the other treatments,and growth indexes of T3 and T6 had no significant difference,but T6 has more advantages.In conclusion,the ability of T6 under low root zone temperature was stronger than other treatments.It could effectively accumulate heat and slow heat dissipation,and create a good root zone temperature conditions for CSG crops growth in winter,and ultimately promote the growth and yield of crops.
Key words:  solar greenhouse  SSC ridge  root zone temperature  heat flux  sweet pepper seedling growth