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勿都巴拉1,2, 刘斌2,3, 郭俊2, 阿云嘎4, 杨军4, 乌日格希拉图4, 李金泉1, 李玉荣2
(1.内蒙古农业大学 动物科学学院, 呼和浩特 010018;2.内蒙古农牧业科学院 畜牧研究所, 呼和浩特 010031;3.中国科学院 昆明动物研究所, 昆明 650223;4.鄂托克前旗兽医局, 内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 016200)
为研究光控增绒和埋置褪黑激素促进绒山羊在非产绒季节(5-8月份)长绒的皮肤毛囊差异表达基因之间的互作关系,并筛选出皮肤毛囊发育相关的重要功能基因,以Agilent绵羊的全基因组表达谱芯片杂交获得的光控增绒羊皮肤差异表达的99个基因及埋置褪黑激素绒山羊皮肤差异表达的83个基因作为研究对象,结合NCBI数据库,利用RStudio程序包和Cytoscape 3.3.0构建差异基因网络并分析。光控增绒试验组差异基因构建了1个主网络和4个小网络;对照组差异基因构建了1个主网络和5个小网络。与表达量结合分析基因网络发现,K25KAP16-2基因上调促进ISG17RSRP1GIMAP1CYTIP基因的下调,间接促进TNFAIP6基因的下调;CYP17A1、V15K2-12K85)基因的上调促进ddit3基因的下调;KAP16-3基因促进CYP17A1基因的同时抑制CYP1A1基因。埋置褪黑激素试验组差异基因构建了2个主网络和7个小网络,对照组差异基因构建了3个主网络和1个小网络。与表达量结合分析基因网络发现,CTNNB1基因的上调促进COL3A1基因的下调;FLT-1基因的上调促进CGA基因的上调和COL1A2基因的下调;PAX6基因的上调促进DOK4基因的上调和LOC101110099基因的下调;P450基因的上调促进BLG基因的下调。光控增绒羊皮肤中筛选出来的基因中角蛋白、角蛋白关联蛋白、CYP17A1SP-D等23个显著上调基因和CYP1A1COL6A5LOC100101238ddit3等13个显著下调基因对光控增绒羊皮肤毛囊提前进入兴盛期有重要作用;埋置褪黑激素的绒山羊皮肤中筛选出来的基因中CTNNB1、PAX6、DOK4、LOC105602529等13个显著上调基因和酪蛋白家族、胶原蛋白类、LOC101110099等12个显著下调基因之间的信号传导增强,从而促进绒山羊绒毛进入兴盛期。
关键词:  绒山羊  光控增绒  褪黑激素  差异表达基因  网络分析
Network of differentially expressed genes in Cashmere goat skin follicles under short photoperiod and exogenous melatonin
Wudubala1,2, LIU Bin2,3, GUO Jun2, Ayunga4, YANG Jun4, Wurigexilatu4, LI Jinquan1, LI Yurong2
(1.College of Animal Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China;2.Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Stockbreeding Sciences, Animal Husbandry Institude, Hohhot 010031, China;3.Kunming Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China;4.Etuokeqianqi Bureau of Veterinary, Erdos 016200, China)
The aims of this study are to investigate the interactions between skin follicles differentially expressed genes of grow Cashmere at telogen in Cashmere goat and identify important functional genes that related to skin hair follicle.A total of differentially expressed 99 genes of short photoperiod Cashmere goat skin and 83 differentially expressed genes of exogenous melatonin Cashmere goat skin are taken as research object.RStudio package and Cytoscape 3.3.0combined with NCBI database were adopted to analysis the networks of differentially expressed genes.One primary network and four small networks of short photoperiod experimental group are built;A primary network and five small networks of control group are constructed.The results of combining expression analysis with the networks show that:The up-regulating of K25,KAP16-2 genes promotes the down-regulating of ISG17,RSRP1,GIMAP1 and CYTIP genes,and indirectly promote down-regulating of TNFAIP6 gene;In addition,the up-regulating of CYP17A1,V15 and K2-12 (K85) gene promotes the down-regulating of ddit3 gene;The up-regulating of H19,SP-D,FLT-1 gene promoted the down-regulating of RNF213 gene;The up-regulating of TP63 and LAT2 gene promotes the down-regulating of EPSTI1 gene;KAP16-3 promotes the expression of CYP17A1 gene and inhibited the expression of CYP1A1 gene.Two primary networks and seven small networks of the exogenous melatonin experimental group are built;Three primary networks and a small network of control group are built.The results showed that:,The up-regulating of CTNNB1 gene promotes the down-regulating of COL3A1 gene;The up-regulating of FLT-1 gene promotes the up-regulated of CGA gene and down-regulating of COL1A2 gene;The up-regulated of PAX6 gene promotes the up-regulating of DOK4 gene and down-regulating of LOC101110099 gene;The Up-regulating of P450 gene promotes the down-regulating of BLG gene.A total of 23 significantly up regulated genes including keratin,keratin-associated protein,CYP17A1 and SP-D and thirteen significantly down regulated genes including CYP1A1,COL6A5,LOC100101238 and ddit3 play important roles in developing Cashmere goat skin follicles advance into anagen under short photoperiod.Thirteen significantly up-regulated genes including CTNNB1,PAX6,DOK4 and LOC105602529 and 12 significantly down regulated genes including casein,collagen and LOC101110099 are selected under the exogenous melatonin.Signal transductions among these genes were increased,which promoted Cashmere goat skin follicles advancing into anagen.
Key words:  Cashmere goat  short photoperiod  exogenous melatonin  differentially expressed genes  network analysis