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杨云燕, 温超, 王珂永, 马男, 赵梁军
(中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院/花卉发育与品质调控北京市重点实验室, 北京 100193)
利用‘神马’、‘优香’等5个切花菊品种组配成6个杂交组合,进行其杂交F1代花序直径、小花数目、株高等若干性状的统计分析,研究切花菊杂交F1代若干性状的遗传与变异特性。结果表明:与双亲相比,切花菊杂种一代的花期分离广泛,多介于双亲之间;父母本各花色遗传潜能的大小为:白色> 粉色> 黄色> 绿色,且白色表现出较强的偏母性遗传特点;杂种总平均花序直径、舌状花数目和筒状花数目分别相当于亲中值的85.3%、83.5%和93.6%,但不同杂交组合的杂交优势不一样,且优势表现程度依组合而异;花瓣长度、花梗粗度、株高、茎粗度表现出一定的减小趋势;各性状间具有显著相关性,可在一定程度上决定根据育种目标所确定的对切花菊性状的选择方向。
关键词:  切花菊  杂种  性状  遗传
Heredity analysis of several characters in F1 hybrid generation of cut-flower chrysanthemums
YANG Yun-yan, WEN Chao, WANG Ke-yong, MA Nan, ZHAO Liang-jun
(College of Agronomy and Biotechnology/Beijing Key Laboratory of Development and Quality Control of Ornamental Crops, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China)
Heredity of several characters in F1 generation by the six cross combinations among five varieties of cut-flower chrysanthemums were studied.The results showed:The flower time of F1 hybrids lied between parents;different flower colors of parents had different genetic potential,which ranked from highest to lowest was: white >pink >yellow >green and white flower displayed strongest matroclinal heredity character;the mean of hybrid inflorescence diameter,the number of ligulate flower and tubular flower were 85.3%、83.5%、93.6% of their parents respectively,but heterosis in different cross combinations was not the same,and its performance was depended on combinations;the mean of hybrid petal length,pedicel roughness,plant height and stem diameter all showed a trend of decrease.According to breeding objectives,having a significant correlation among different characters could decide the breeding direction of cut-flower chrysanthemums.
Key words:  cut-flower chrysanthemums  hybrid  character  heredity