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樊兆博1, 林杉1, 陈清1, 张晓曼2, 姜增明1, 杨凯昌1, 王敬国1
(1.中国农业大学 资源与环境学院, 北京 100193;2.山东省寿光市农业局, 山东 寿光 262700)
为了解滴灌施肥是否能够提高水氮利用效率、降低环境污染风险,总结山东寿光设施番茄长期定位试验9季的试验结果,系统分析传统漫灌施肥和滴灌施肥对番茄产量、水氮利用效率、土壤硝态氮残留和经济效益的影响。与传统漫灌施肥相比,滴灌施肥每季氮肥和水分投入量分别降低78%和46%,氮肥偏生产力和灌溉水利用效率则分别提高5和2倍,番茄产量和经济效益分别提高6%和22%,且产量年际变异显著降低。传统漫灌施肥0~90 cm土层硝态氮残留量平均高达819 kg/hm2,滴灌施肥降低50%的土壤硝态氮残留。与传统漫灌施肥相比,滴灌施肥栽培体系是一个低投入、低环境代价和高效稳定的生产体系。
关键词:  设施番茄  滴灌施肥  水氮利用效率  土壤硝态氮  经济效益
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目 (2012BAD15B01); 国家自然科学重点基金(41230856)
Effect of drip fertigation on water and nitrogen use efficiency and nitrate residues in a greenhouse
FAN Zhao-bo1, LIN Shan1, CHEN Qing1, ZHANG Xiao-man2, JIANG Zeng-ming1, YANG Kai-chang1, WANG Jing-guo1
(1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Shouguang City Bureau of Agriculture, Shouguang 262700, China)
Conventional flooding irrigation fertilization results in low utilization of resources,high risk of environmental pollution,which has become a serious threat to the sustainable development of greenhouse vegetable production.The object of this study is to evaluate whether drip fertigation can improve water and nitrogen use efficiency and reduce nitrate pollution risk.A long-term experiment within 9 growing seasons was conducted in Shouguang,Shandong Province.Tomato yield,water and nitrogen use efficiency,economic benefits and soil nitrate content were analysed.Compared with conventional flooding irrigation fertilization,fertilizer N and water inputs were reduced by 78% and 46% under drip fertigation system,while nitrogen partial productivity and irrigation water use efficiency were increased 5-fold and 2-fold,respectively.Tomato yield and economic benefits were increased by 6% and 22% under drip fertilization system,while the inter-annual variation of yield decreased significantly.The nitrate residues in the soil (0-90 cm) was up to 819 kg/hm2 for conventional production system,while it was reduced by 50% under drip fertigation system.In conclusion,compared to conventional flooding irrigation fertilization system,drip fertigation system is more efficient and stable with reduced resources input and environmental cost.
Key words:  greenhouse tomato  drip fertigation  water and nitrogen use efficiency  soil nitrate  economic benefits