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袁淑芬1, 陈源泉1, 闫鹏1, 陶志强1, 崔吉晓1, 李超2, 隋鹏1
(1.中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院, 北京 100193;2.中国农业大学 吴桥实验站, 河北 沧州 061800)
为明确华北地区特定区域与气候条件下春玉米对不同生育期水分胁迫的响应,从而为制定该区域春玉米的高产节水调控技术提供参考依据,利用遮雨棚开展了盆栽春玉米的全程水分控制的试验研究。试验设置了1个全生育适水对照(CK)和1个全生育期供水充足(AW)处理,另外设置了苗期干旱(SD)、拔节期干旱(JD)、大喇叭口期干旱(LD)、抽穗期干旱(HD)和灌浆期干旱(FD)5个不同时期的干旱处理。主要研究了不同生育期干旱对春玉米生育进程、部分形态生理特征的影响。分析结果表明:春玉米不同生育阶段对水分胁迫的敏感程度大小依次为抽穗期>大喇叭口期>灌浆期>拔节期。与CK相比,SD处理由于持续的重度干旱,所以严重抑制了其植株的生长,复水后其单株叶面积虽然上升幅度更大,但依然最小,且灌浆期光合速率也最小,说明苗期重度干旱后,复水后的恢复力是有限的。AW处理可以减慢生育后期叶片的衰老速度,使整个生育期延长了1 d,即充足水分供给利用时玉米生育期延长。营养生长阶段的SD、JD和LD处理分别使整个生育期延长了3、1和1 d,而生殖生长期的HD、FD处理均使整个生育期缩短了2 d,说明营养生长期干旱可以延缓玉米的生长发育,而生殖生长期干旱会加速玉米的衰老速度,缩短生育进程。
关键词:  春玉米  水分胁迫  生育期  形态  生理
Effects of water stress on growth of spring maize andthe morphological and physiological reaction during different growth stages in North China Plain
YUAN Shu-fen1, CHEN Yuan-quan1, YAN Peng1, TAO Zhi-qiang1, CUI Ji-xiao1, LI Chao2, SUI Peng1
(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Wuqiao Experimental Station, China Agricultural University, Cangzhou 061800, China)
In order to clarify the drought response at different growth stages of spring maize under the specific areas and the climate conditions in North China Plain, so as to provide a reference for the development of a high-yielding and water-saving irrigation system in North China Plain, a field experiment with pots was conducted under rain preventing condition with water controlled throughout the whole growth period.The growth stages of spring maize were divided into seedling, jointing, large bell, heading and filling stages, and set up five different periods of drought correspondingly, which were represented by SD、JD、LD、HD、FD, respectively.The other two treatments were a proper water supply as control(CK) and an adequate water supply(AW) during the whole growth period.The primary research showed the effects on growth process, morphological and physiological changes between different drought treatments.The results showed the sensitivity to water stress during the growth period were heading stage> large bell stage> filling stage> jointing stage.Compared with CK, SD inhibited the growth of their plants severely due to the ongoing severe drought, although its greater increase of leaf area per plant after rehydration, (as a whole the increased leaf area was still minimal) and its photosynthetic rate was the smallest in the filling stage.These indicated that the plant restoring capacity was limited after severe drought in seedling stage.While AW could slow down the aging speed of the blades, the entire growth period extended one day, which suggested that AW could extend corn growing period.The vegetative stages after SD, JD, LD treatments were extended 3, 1, 1 days during the entire growth period respectively, while reproductive stage after HD, FD treatments were both shortened two days.In conclusion, the vegetative growth period under drought could delay the process of growth of spring maize, while reproductive stage was just the opposite, which would accelerate the aging speed and shorten the growth process.
Key words:  spring maize  water stress  growth period  morphology  physiology