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张小华, 段晓亮, 侯春雨, 张婷, 许兰杰, 吕延华, 梁荣奇, 尤明山
(中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院/农业生物技术国家重点实验室/北京市作物遗传改良重点实验室/农业部作物基因组与遗传改良重点实验室, 北京 100193)
为了解小麦品种(系)籽粒植酸和无机磷含量的变异及其与千粒重、容重的相关性,进而为小麦营养品质分析、小麦种质资源筛选和品质育种提供参考,本研究利用三氯化铁比色法和钼蓝比色法分别测定92份小麦品种(系)全麦粉的植酸和无机磷含量,并考察了其与千粒重和容重的相关性。结果表明:1)籽粒无机磷含量为0.42~1.60 μg/mg,平均值为0.84 μg/mg,变异系数是0.24,变异范围较大;2)籽粒植酸含量为17.54~28.71 μg/mg,平均值为23.27 μg/mg,变异系数是0.09,变异范围较小;3)小麦籽粒植酸含量与其容重显著负相关(相关系数r为-0.209 2),与其千粒重的相关系数较小、没有达到显著水平;小麦籽粒的无机磷含量与其容重显著负相关(r=-0.231 5),与其千粒重显著正相关(r=0.255 4)。植酸含量与无机磷含量极显著正相关(r=0.479 6);4)品种(系)间的总磷含量近似值为5.54~9.69 μg/mg,不能用无机磷含量间接反映不同品种(系)间的植酸含量。
关键词:  小麦  植酸含量  无机磷含量  相关性
Variation of phytic acid and inorganic P contents in wheat grain andtheir relation ship with test weight and 1 000-kernel weight
ZHANG Xiao-hua, DUAN Xiao-liang, HOU Chun-yu, ZHANG Ting, XU Lan-jie, LÜ Yan-hua, LIANG Rong-qi, YOU Ming-shan
(College of Agronomy and Biotechnology/State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology/Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic improvement/Key Laboratory of Crop Genomicsand Genetic Improvement of Ministry of Agriculture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China)
In order to investigate the distribution of phytic acid content and inorganic P content in wheat grain and their relationship with test weight (TW) and 1000-kernel weight (TKW), and then obtain ahint for new cultivars improvement, the grain whole-mills of 92 common wheat cultivars/lines were determined with ferric chloride precipitation and phosphomolybdenum yellow spectrophotometry simultaneously.The results showed that the inorganic P content ranged from 0.42 μg/mg to 1.60 μg/mg (mean 0.84 μg/mg) with variation coefficient 0.24, while the phytic acid content ranged from 17.54 μg/mg to 28.71 μg/mg (mean 23.27 μg/mg) with variation coefficient 0.09.The phytic acid content correlated significantly with TW (r=-0.209 2), but not with TKW.The inorganic P content correlated significantly with TW(r=-0.231 5)and TKW (r=0.255 4).The phytic acid content correlated significantly with the inorganic P content (r=0.479 6).The phytic acid contents could not be indirectly determined by the inorganic P contents as the total P contents ranged from 5.54-9.69 μg/mg among different cultivars/lines.
Key words:  wheat  phytic acid content  inorganic P content  correlation