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刘锐, 邢亚楠, 张影全, 张波, 卢洋洋, 王杰, 魏益民
(中国农业科学院 农产品加工研究所/农业部农产品加工综合性重点实验室, 北京 100193)
研究北京超市挂面的品牌、种类、包装和价格特征,以及前3个要素对价格的影响,分析北京市场挂面供给的变化趋势。采用配额抽样与简单随机抽样相结合的抽样方法,2012年10月调查了北京市区及郊县108家大中型超市挂面的供给特征,并与2010年的调查结果进行比对分析。结果表明:挂面品牌数量为94个,部分全国性品牌占有较大市场份额。北京地区挂面平均价格估计为5.79元/500 g,产品主要价格区间为4~6元/500 g;与2010年相比,挂面价格显著提高,高档挂面的市场比例明显增加。挂面种类仍以普通挂面为主,其次为鸡蛋挂面和杂粮蔬菜类挂面;包装形式以“圆筒纸包装”为主,“盒装”比例明显增加。挂面种类和包装形式对价格均有显著影响,儿童挂面价格显著高于其他挂面,包装精美的挂面价格较高。品牌优势对产品价格的影响并不显著;而知名品牌的产品系列较多,价格区间较广。挂面品牌数量增加,强势品牌逐渐凸显;产品价格显著提高,品牌竞争从低端市场转向中高端市场;挂面种类和包装形式对价格有显著影响。
关键词:  挂面  品牌  种类  价格  包装  市场调研  北京
Market situation and change in supplying of dried Chinese noodle in Beijing supermarkets based on survey data
LIU Rui, XING Ya-nan, ZHANG Ying-quan, ZHANG Bo, LU Yang-yang, WANG Jie, WEI Yi-min
(Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology/Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing of Ministryof Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Beijing 100193, China)
A market survey was carried out on October,2012 with the aim to learn about the present situation and trend of dried Chinese noodles market in Beijing.In order to investigate brands,varieties,packaging and price of dried Chinese noodles sold in Beijing supermarkets,108 medium or large-scale supermarkets in the urban district and suburban county of Beijing were selected based on quota sampling and simple random sampling methods.The results showed that the number of dried Chinese noodles brands increased to 94 comparing to the data of 2010,and national brands accounted for a relatively large market share.The average price of dried noodles was ¥5.79/500 g,and 52.03% of dried noodles price was in the range of ¥4-6/500 g.Compared to 2010,the noodles price significantly grew up and the proportion of high-end noodle products considerably increased.Ordinary noodles was still the most popular dried Chinese noodles,followed by egg noodles,mixed grains or vegetables noodles."Cylindrical paper package" was the main packaging type of the dried noodles products;the proportion of boxed noodles increased significantly from 2010 to 2012.Those targeted at children showed significantly higher price than other noodles,as well as the noodles with the better package.The brand had slight effect on noodles price.However,some famous brands developed series products,and the price showed wide variation.The number of dried Chinese noodles brands increased rapidly.Brand competition was getting tougher at medium or high end markets.The variety and packaging had significant effects on noodles price.
Key words:  dried Chinese noodles  brand  variety  price  packaging  market survey  Beijing