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张燕, 高翔, 张洪
(南京大学 地理与海洋科学学院, 南京 210023)
为了解中国农产品能否满足国民的需要,采用农业供养能力,即从能量角度,按一定标准,计算农业产出能够养活的人口数。结果表明,按人均每日获得10.88 kJ能量的标准,上世纪80年代以来,中国农业的综合产出已能满足国民的需要;1994年后,农产品也逐渐能满足人均每日摄入脂肪70g的要求;1998年起,植物与动物性产品的供给均有富余,但粮食提供的能量达不到占所需能量80%的要求,须依赖其他植物和动物性产品弥补;1998年以后,动物性食物提供的蛋白质超过30%,植物性蛋白中,蔬菜与水果的比重增加。要提高中国农业供养能力,须减少损耗以增加粮食有效供给;提高劳动生产力并控制人口过快增长以增加人均占有农产品量;增加粮食产量以保障对粮食的需求;改善农产品构成以优化国民营养结构。
关键词:  农产品  供养能力  能量  营养物质  满足程度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41271467,40771186,40930103); 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2008277)
Supportable capability of Chinese agriculture
ZHANG Yan, GAO Xiang, ZHANG Hong
(School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)
In order to understand whether the farm produce can meet the need of people in China,the supportable capability,which is defined that energy supplied by various agriculture outputs can support population based on some standards,was used.The results indicated that since 1980s of the 20th century,the integrated outputs of Chinese agriculture had met the need of people for energy,especially the energy supplied by vegetal and animal produce had been affluence since 1998,based on the standard that a person can obtain energy of 10.88 kJ per day.However,because the energy supplied by grain was less than 80 percent of total energy,to fill the gap between the need and the energy supplied by grain should depend on the energy supplied by other vegetal and animal produce.Since 1994,fat supplied by farm produce has met the need of a person for ingestion of 70 gram fat per day;since 1998,protein supplied by animal produce has exceeded 30 percent and protein supplied by vegetables and fruits in vegetal produce has been increased.To increase the supportable capability of Chinese agriculture,some measures should be introduced:wastage of grain should be reduced to increase available supply of grain;productivity of agriculture should be improved and the rate of population increase should be controlled to increase quantity of farm produce occupied by per person;grain yield should be increased to ensure the need for grain;and structure of farm produce should be improved to optimize the nutrition structure of peoples diet.
Key words:  farm produce  supportable capability  energy  nutrition  degree of satisfaction