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叶晓馨1, 马永清2, 董淑琦3, 山中典和4, 大规恭一5
(1.西北农林科技大学 林学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100;2.西北农林科技大学 水土保持研究所, 陕西 杨凌 712100;3.山西农业大学 农学院, 山西 太谷 030801;4.日本鸟取大学, 鸟取 6800001;5.日本九州大学, 福冈 8112415)
为研究柽柳的防风固沙作用,对引种的8个柽柳种(其他省市引入5个种,美国引入3个种)和本地的甘蒙柽柳以及短穗柽柳在关中地区进行种植试验,测定不同柽柳种的生长指标(成活率、株高、地径和冠幅),分析其在关中地区的生长适应性。经方差分析和LSD多重比较表明,不同柽柳种在成活率、株高、地径以及冠幅上差异显著。根据株高聚类分析的情况,10个柽柳种被明显的分为了3类;在50 d的测量中地径和株高呈现极显著的正相关关系;通过比较3个生长指标,无叶柽柳适应性极差,扦插后第2年即全部死亡。密花柽柳、多花柽柳、白花柽柳和多枝柽柳等引自其他省市的4个种生长情况一般;混花柽柳在株高地径表现出的生长情况较好,最后一次测量,株高为62 cm,地径为4.3 cm,但冠幅生长量较少,仅400 cm2;和本地种甘蒙柽柳及短穗柽柳相比较,只有引种自美国的红花多枝柽柳在3个指标上都表现出较明显的优势,在最后一次测量时,株高为72 cm,地径为4.2 cm,冠幅则达到了4 500 cm2,适宜引种。
关键词:  柽柳  生长适应性  引种  关中地区
Adaptability of different Tamarix spp.in Guanzhong Area
YE Xiao-xin1, MA Yong-qing2, DONG Shu-qi3, Norikazu Yamanaka4, Kyoich Otsuki5
(1.College of Forestry, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China;2.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China;3.College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, China;4.Tottori University, Tottori 6800001, Japan;5.Kyushu University, Fukuoka 8112415, Japan)
To study the use of Tamarix in windbreak and sand fixation,eight introduced Tamarix and two local spp.were cultivated in Guanzhong Region and different growth indexes of these Tamarix spp.were measured to analyze the growth adaptability in Guanzhong Area.The results indicated that there existed a significant difference in plant height,ground diameter and crown width among these different Tamarix spp..According to the clustering analysis result of the plant height,ten Tamarix spp.were divided into three classes.Meanwhile,there existed a significant positive correlation between the height and the ground diameter.The comparison of the three growth indexes showed that the worst adaptability of T.aphylla(Linn.) Karst,which can not live in Guanzhong Area.This species didnt germinate in the next year after cutting.The growth situation of four Tamarix spp.introduced from other provinces(T.hohenackeri Bunge,T.hohenackeri Bunge,T.albiflonum M.T. Liu and T.ramosissima Ledeb) was normal in all Tamarix spp.. T.gansuensis H.Z.Zhang introduced from other provinces showed a good state in the plant height(62 cm in the last test) and the ground diameter(4.3 cm in the last test),but with a small growing crown width(only 400 cm2).Compared with the two local spp.(T.austromongolica Nakai and T.laxa Willd.),only T.gallica L.introduced from the USA showed an obvious advantage in three growth indexes(the plant height is 72 cm,the ground diameter is 4.2 cm and the crown width is 4 500 cm2 in the last test),which was very suitable for introduction.
Key words:  Tamarix  growth adaptability  introduce  Guanzhong Area