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秦烁1, 薛帅1,2, 梁振兴1, 李桂英3, 谢光辉1
(1.中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院/国家能源非粮生物质原料研发中心, 北京 100193;2.德国霍恩海姆大学 作物科学学院, 斯图加特 70599;3.中国农业科学院 作物科学研究所, 北京 100081)
现阶段原料短缺仍制约着我国生物柴油产业的发展,筛选并规模化种植有潜力的非粮柴油植物将是产业发展的出路。本研究对陕西与甘肃两省的野生油料植物资源进行初步调查,并对采集的40份植物种子的油脂及其甲酯性质进行分析。结果表明:40份样品反映油脂特性的含油率、皂化值、酸值和碘值指标变幅分别为10.43%~51.42%、112.52~312.11mg/g、1.76~56.03mg/g和19.47~160.25g/100g,反映油脂甲酯特性的运动粘度、十六烷值、冷滤点、高热值和密度变幅分别为1.89~3.70 mm2/s、28.77~68.34、-15.82~6.65℃、33.85~42.79kJ/g和808.04~867.96kg/m3。基于含油率、酸值、碘值、运动粘度、十六烷值、冷滤点、高热值、密度和产量等9项评价指标,利用等权灰色关联度分析法对40份样品的综合性状给予评价与筛选。综合分析表明:40份样品中有潜力作为生物柴油原料的前3名优势物种分别为榆叶梅(Amygdalus triloba(Lindl.) Ricker)、贴梗海棠(Chaenomeles speciosa (sweet) Nakai)及桃(Amygdalus persica Linn.),它们与研究中构建的理想物种相似度(以灰色关联度表示)分别为0.688、0.674和0.628。
关键词:  能源植物  植物资源  油脂特性  灰色关联度
Assessment and screening of non-food biodiesel plant resourcesin Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces based on grey relation analysis
QIN Shuo1, XUE Shuai1,2, LIANG Zhen-xing1, LI Gui-ying3, XIE Guang-hui1
(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology/National Energy R&D Center for Biomass, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Institute of Crop Science, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart 70599, Germany;3.Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
Nowadays feedstock shortage still restricts the development of Chinese biodiesel industry and planting large-scale optimal oil species can break the bottleneck.Via the investigation of plant resources in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces,forty non-food biodiesel plant(NFBP) species were collected and the physicochemical properties of the seed oil and their methyl esters(MEs) were chemically analyzed and calculated.The results showed that the values of vegetable oil characters,including oil content,saponification number(SN),acid value(AV) and iodine value(IV),varied between 10.43% and 51.42%,112.52 and 312.11 mg/g,1.76 and 56.03 mg/g,19.47 and 160.25 g/100g,respectively;values of their MEs characters,such as kinematic viscosity(KV),cetane number(CN),cold filter plugging point(CFPP),high heating values(HHV) and density(ρ),respectively,varied between 1.89 and 3.70 mm2/s,28.77 and 68.34,-15.82 and 6.65℃,33.85 and 42.79 kJ/g,808.04 and 867.96 kg/m3.In the optimum-species screening process,grey relation analysis method was applied and nine main characteristics of NFBP,including oil content,AV,IV,KV,CN,CFPP,HHV,ρ and yield,were used for comprehensive evaluation.The results indicated that the top three prospective species in the 40 species were Amygdalus triloba(Lindl.) Ricker,Chaenomeles speciosa(sweet) Nakai,Amygdalus persica Linn.with the correlation coefficients between the individual species and the artificial designed ideal species(the best biodiesel plant type in this paper) varying from 0.688, 0.674 and 0.628,respectively.
Key words:  energy plant  plant resource  oil character  grey relation analysis