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王继师1, 樊帆1, 韩立朴2, 胡亮1, 谢光辉1
(1.中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院/国家能源非粮生物质原料研发中心, 北京 100193;2.中国科学院 遗传与发育生物学研究所 农业资源研究中心, 石家庄 050021)
对来自国内外60份不同类型高粱材料的农艺性状、产量性状和品质性状在新疆干旱区的表现进行分析比较,目的是了解不同高粱类型在新疆干旱区的差异表现,为新疆干旱区能源用高粱品种选育提供参考依据。研究发现,供试高粱材料间生育期差异显著(P<0.05),其中,甜高粱的生育期最长,平均为116.8 d,变幅在100.5~131.5 d之间。农艺性状分析发现,帚高粱的株高最高,平均为275.2 cm,籽粒高粱最矮,平均只有235.6 cm。甜高粱的伸长节间数最多,平均为12.6个,其中,甜高粱X054伸长节间数最多,为15.6个。各高粱类型的产量构成差异较大,籽粒高粱的籽粒产量最高,平均为7.9 t/hm2,而甜高粱和帚高粱的茎秆产量较高,分别为10.3和10.2t/hm2,全株总干物质积累量以甜高粱为最高,平均为25.3 t/hm2,变幅在18.4~31.5 t/hm2之间,其次为帚高粱的23.6 t/hm2,籽粒高粱最低,平均只有20.3 t/hm2。品质性状分析表明,籽粒各组分含量最为稳定,各高粱类型间差异较小,其次为叶片和叶鞘,而不同高粱类型间茎秆的碳水化合物含量和木质素含量差异较大,其中,甜高粱表现出更高的可溶性总糖含量,平均为236.6 g/kg,是籽粒高粱的3倍、帚高粱的2倍之多,而甜高粱的木质纤维素含量明显低于籽粒高粱和帚高粱,特别是纤维素含量,平均要低100 g/kg以上。碳水化合物产量分析发现甜高粱和帚高粱的平均积累量较高,分别为14.2和13.8 t/hm2,各高粱类型中均以纤维素和半纤维的贡献最大,特别是帚高粱材料,平均贡献率达65.9%。综上,相比于籽粒高粱和帚高粱,甜高粱整体表现出更强的能源利用潜力。同时应指出,各类型高粱材料均为宝贵的种质资源,应充分的挖掘利用,以筛选并进一步培育出适合新疆干旱区种植的能源用高粱新品种。
关键词:  高粱  生物量  碳水化合物  木质素
Comparison of agronomy and chemical composition traits insweet sorghum, grain sorghum, and broom corn
WANG Ji-shi1, FAN Fan1, HAN Li-pu2, HU Liang1, XIE Guang-hui1
(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology/National Energy R&D Center for Biomass, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Center for Agricultural Resources research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050021, China)
In the study,characters of agronomy,yield,and carbohydrates of sixty sorghum lines belonging to different sorghum types were evaluated,which was used to learn about the different appearance of these sorghum materials in Xinjiang province and oriented energy sorghum breeding in this area.The results showed that growth duration differed significantly (P<0.05) from each other, and sweet sorghum had the longest growth cycle with a mean value of 116.8 d,ranging from 100.5 d to 131.5 d.Agronomy traits analysis found that broom corn group exhibited the largest plant height with a mean value of 275.2 cm and grain sorghum showed the least value (235.6 cm).Comparatively, sweet sorghum had the most elongated internodes (12.6),especially for X054,reached to 15.6.Among these sorghum types, yield components differed from each other significantly.Grain sorghum was demonstrated to poess the highest grain yield (7.9 t/hm2) whereas sweet sorghum and broom corn had more stem yield, which were 10.3 and 10.2 t/hm2 respectively.Among the three sorghum types,sweet sorghum had the largest total biomass yield,which was 25.3 t/hm2,ranging from 18.4 to 31.5 t/hm2,followed by broom corn (23.6 t/hm2) and grain sorghum (20.3 t/hm2).Chemical analysis found that compositions in grain were more stable than other organs and the distinct variance was observed in stem of different sorghum types.Comparatively, sweet sorghum exhibited more total soluble sugar (236.6 g/kg) but less lignocelluloses content,and especially its cellulose content was around 100 g/kg less than other two types of sorghum.Further analysis proved that sweet sorghum and broom corn yielded more carbohydrates (14.2 and 13.8 t/hm2),and cellulose and hemicelluloses accounted for most of the total yield,especially for broom corn with a mean of 65.9%.Generally,sweet sorghum exhibited much more potential in bioenergy than grain sorghum and broom corn.Also,all sorghum types and germplasms were essential materials for energy sorghum breeding in the arid area of Xinjiang province.
Key words:  sorghum  biomass yield  carbohydrates  lignin