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范希峰, 侯新村, 武菊英, 朱毅
(北京市农林科学院 草业与环境研究发展中心,北京 100097)
能源草是一类重要的能源植物。立足北方地区边际土地,我国已在能源草种质资源收集筛选、产量潜力评价、生物质品质分析、生态效应评估等方面开展了大量研究工作,并取得重要研究进展。在我国北方有栽培历史且生物质产量高于3.0 t/(hm2·年)的草种主要有23种,其中生物质产量高于20 t/(hm2·年)的有柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)、芒草(Miscanthus spp.)、芦竹(Arundodonax)和杂交狼尾草(Pennisetum americanum × P.Purpureum)4种,它们在适应性、产量、品质方面各有优势,在我国北方地区开发利用前景广阔,但存在杂交狼尾草在我国北方地区不能越冬,芦竹和低地型柳枝稷越冬率低的问题。因此,在我国北方地区收集能源草资源,既要考虑产量、品质,还需兼具耐寒、抗旱或耐盐能力。在广泛收集资源的基础上,明确各能源草在我国北方的适应范围、种植区划和发展潜力,通过育种技术进一步提高能源草的产量、品质和抗逆能力,建立配套栽培管理技术,实现能源草多元化、区域化种植利用,对其经济社会效益和生态效应进行系统评估,构建评价技术体系,应是目前我国北方能源草开发利用的重点研究方向。
关键词:  能源草  边际土地  生产潜力
基金项目:农业部948项目(2011-Z62); 北京市科技计划项目(Y06050600000701,Z09090501040902,Z09050600630901,D101105046410001)
Research progress and development potential analysis of bioenergy grass in the north of China
FAN Xi-feng, HOU Xin-cun, WU Ju-ying, ZHU Yi
(Beijing Research and Development Center for Grass and Environment,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097,China)
Bioenergy grasses display many beneficial attributes as energy crops,and a lot of works have been carried out for their germplasm screening,yield and quality evaluation,ecological effects evaluation in the north of China.23 species of grass continuously cultivated in the north area with biomass yield higher than 3.0 t/(hm2·year) have been identified.Among these species,the biomass yield of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum),miscanthus (Miscanthus spp.),giant reed (Arundodonax) and hybrid pennisetum (Pennisetum americanum×P.Purpureum) are higher than 20 t/(hm2·year),they have been superior in adaptability,yield and quality etc.The four kinds of grasses are promising in the north area,but existing problems should be taken into consideration:hybrid pennisetum cannot live through the winter; giant reed and highland ecotype's switchgrass have a low overwintering rate.In conclusion,the germplasm collected in north area should be with superior yield,quality and relatively high cold,drought and salt resistance.The main researches on the development and utilization of bioenergy grass in north area include:extensive collection of germplasm,reveal of the applicable scope,regional planning and development potential of grass and taping the comprehensive potential,improvement of yield,quality and stress resistance by means of breeding,technology of cultivation and management,systematic evaluation of beneficial and ecological effects and establishment of evaluation system.
Key words:  bioenergy grass  marginal land  production potential