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韩立朴1, 马凤娇1,2, 谢光辉3, 刘金铜1
(1.中国科学院 遗传与发育生物学研究所/农业资源研究中心,石家庄 050021;2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049;3.中国农业大学 国家能源非粮生物质原料研发中心,北京 100193)
为总结我国甜高粱品种、生产技术以及不同区域生产成本和能源效率的差异,通过文献研究和田间调查,采用数值描述和因子分析的方法对我国现有甜高粱品种的特性、生产技术以及对冷凉地区(内蒙)、干旱地区(新疆)和盐碱地区(山东)的生产成本和能源效率进行分析。结果显示:多数品种生育期113~130 d,锤度9.0%~16.0%,鲜秸秆产量31.2~64.7 t/hm2,株高223.1~312.7 cm,茎粗1.48~1.89 cm,籽粒产量在2.07~3.39 t/hm2之间。籽粒、秸秆产量和锤度的变异系数分别为42.1%、50.5%和41.9%。耕作、灌溉、施肥、除分蘖、施用农药和防止倒伏等农艺措施都会对甜高粱的产量产生显著影响。对生产成本的因子分析结果为:其KMO值为0.84,Bartlett球型检验值(P<0.01)14 970;旋转后3个公共因子方差贡献率分别是48.18%、41.66%和6.78%,累积贡献率为96.61%;综合得分内蒙(-15.22)最好。利用茎秆生产无水乙醇原料耗能2.7×103~7.4×103 MJ/t,综合利用后耗能1.4 ×103~3.9 ×103 MJ/t。能量产投比分别为4.0~10.9和7.6~20.7。甜高粱作为能源作物从经济成本和能源效率上可行,各生产要素中人工投入对成本、生产资料对能源效率的影响最大。因子分析综合评价认为各要素成本在区域之间有显著差异。在不同区域平衡机械和人工投入对成本和能源效率的影响具有重要意义。
关键词:  甜高粱  生产技术  生产成本  因子分析  能量投入
Analysis of sweet sorghum's characteristic of production factor, cost and energy efficiency
HAN Li-pu1, MA Feng-jiao1,2, XIE Guang-hui3, LIU Jin-tong1
(1.Center for Agricultural Resources Research/Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050021,China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3.National Energy R&D Center for Non-food Biomass,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
In order to summarize the varieties of sweet sorghum in China,production technology and the difference of production cost and energy efficiency in different areas,we carried out an analysis of sweet sorghum's variety characteristics,production technology,production cost and energy efficiency in cold areas (Inner Mongolia),arid areas(Xinjiang) and saline areas(Shandong) of sweet sorghum by literature research and field investigation based on the numerical and factor analysis method.The results showed that the varieties with growth period of 113-130 d,brix of 9.0%-16.0%,fresh straw yield of 31.2-64.7 t/hm2,plant height of 223.1-312.7 cm,stem diameter of 1.48-1.89 cm and grain yield of 2.07-3.39 t/hm2 accounted for the most.The variation coefficient of grain yield,straw yield and brix were 42.1%,50.5% and 41.9% respectively.Agronomic measures such as tillage,irrigation,fertilization,removing tillers,chemical spray and lodging-prevention all had significant effect on the yield of sweet sorghum.The result of factor analysis of production cost illustrated that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.84 and the value of Bartlett’s sphericity test (P<0.01) was 14 970;Three factors were extracted out and their variance contribution rates were 48.18%,41.66% and 6.78% respectively as well as accumulative contribution rate was 96.61% after being rotated.The comprehensive score of Inner Mongolia (-15.22) was the best.The energy of raw material for production of one ton anhydrous alcohol by using stem alone needed 2.7×103-7.4×103 MJ/t,and 1.4×103- 3.9×103 MJ/t are consumed after comprehensive utilization.The energy output-input ratios were 4.0-10.9 and 7.6-20.7 respectively.Sweet sorghum is feasible as an energy crop,considering the economic cost and energy efficiency.Manual input and raw material were the most influential factor towards cost and energy efficiency respectively.Factor analysis comprehensive evaluation shows that factor cost has a significant difference among different regions.Balancing mechanical and manual input has an important significance to cost and energy efficiency in different regions.
Key words:  sweet sorghum  production technology  production cost  factor analysis  energy input