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张新焕1, 王昌燕2
(1.中国科学院 新疆生态与地理研究所,乌鲁木齐 830011;2.新疆财经大学 旅游学院,乌鲁木齐 830012)
基于1949—2007年塔里木河流域棉花发展统计数据计算发展度指数,分析了该地棉花发展历程及空间格局演化,对棉田扩张产生的问题提出了优化发展建议。研究结果表明: 1)塔里木河流域建国以来植棉业历经缓慢发展期、快速发展期和控制发展期3个阶段,植棉历程与全国变化趋近但也具有自身的特点; 2)植棉业发展进程中,主产棉区呈现西退、东扩、北进的趋势,各植棉县、市植棉空间扩张显著; 3)针对植棉业时空演化过程中产生的水资源压力加大、棉田生态环境恶化、市场应对能力较弱等问题,提出优化布局、适度规模、节水灌溉、生态型耕作和健全服务体系等优化发展建议。
关键词:  植棉业  塔里木河流域  时空演化  优化发展
基金项目:中国科学院"西部博士资助项目"(XBBS200803); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40801065)
Spatial-temporal evolution and optimum developmentof cotton industry in Tarim Basin
ZHANG Xin-huan1, WANG Chang-yan2
(1.Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi 830011,China;2.Tourism College,Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,Urumqi 830012,China)
Tarim basin is the most suitable area to plant cotton in China.During the past decades,the basin has been developed into one of the major areas in China to yield high quality cotton due to its prominent conditions of sunshine and heat.Based on data of 1949-2007 from cotton industry,the spatio-temporal evolution of cotton industry and some problems produced in the process of cotton area extension are analyzed in detail by using the method of development index.Advices to further promote cotton industry are put forward.Several outcomes of this studying are as follows:1) The cotton industry in Tarim basin has been developed remarkably from 1949 to 2007.The phases of cotton industry were divided into three parts: slow-paced development,then rapid growth,and finally steadily progress.The trend of cotton industry progress has some specific characteristics by itself as well as some similar characteristics to other areas. 2) In the process of cotton industry development,the range of predominant cotton area in Tarim basin has shrunk in west part,expanded eastward and outspread northward.Whats more,the cotton area in each county extends greatly. 3) Some problems such as water resource shortage,eco-environment deterioration,weak response of market has come into being in the process of extension of cotton cropland.Several advices of optimum distribution,moderate scale,saving water irrigation,ecological cultivation,building consummated service system are put forward based on the above problems.
Key words:  cotton industry  Tarim Basin  spatio-temporal evolution  optimum development