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李玉英1,2, 庞发虎1, 孙建好3, 李隆2, 程序4
(1.南阳师范学院 生命科学与技术学院,河南 南阳 473061;2.中国农业大学 资源与环境学院,北京 100193;3.甘肃省农业科学院 土壤肥料与节水农业研究所,兰州 730070;4.中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院,北京 100193)
为西北1熟制灌区豆科/禾本科间作体系高产高效提供科学依据,于2007年在甘肃省农业科学院武威绿洲农业试验站设计了蚕豆/玉米间作体系的田间根系分隔试验,研究蚕豆/玉米2种作物间根系分隔和施氮对作物根系空间分布、根系形态的影响。采用根系行分隔法进行田间作物间根系分隔,并用根钻法采集根系。蚕豆和玉米根系主要分布分别在0~40 cm浅土层和0~60 cm 土层,且间作玉米根系在60~120 cm比根系分隔的多,较深根系分布有利于玉米的后期竞争恢复生长。玉米根系可以占据蚕豆地下部空间,而蚕豆的根却较少到间作玉米的地下部空间。种间互作和施氮增加了玉米和蚕豆在纵向和横向2个尺度上的根重密度、根长密度、根表面积、根系体积。蚕豆玉米间作和施氮扩展了2种作物根系纵向和横向的空间生态位,改变了作物根系形态,从而增加了作物水分和养分吸收的有效空间。
关键词:  蚕豆/玉米间作  根系分隔  根系空间分布  根系形态
基金项目:国家"十一五"科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD25B09,2007BAD89B01); 国家"973"计划项目(2006CB100206)第一作者:李玉英,副教授,博士后,主要从事农业生态与生物质能研究,E-mail:lyy00@yahoo.cn通讯作者:程序,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业生态与生物质能研究,E-mail:chengxu@cau.edu.cn
Effects of root barrier between intercropped maize andfaba bean and nitrogen (N) application on the spatialdistributions and morphology of crops’ roots
LI Yu-ying1,2, PANG Fa-hu1, SUN Jian-hao3, LI Long2, CHENG Xu4
(1.College of Life Sciences and Technology,Nanyang Normal University,Nanyang 473061,China;2.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;3.Institute of Soil and Fertilizer and Water-saving Agriculture,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou 730070,China;4.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
The aim of the research is to provide a scientific basis for higher-yield and higher-efficiency of legum/cereal intercropping system based on the rhizosphere regulation in Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province.The micro-area root barrier experiment was conducted at Wuwei experimental Satation of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2007,in order to study the effects of root barrier and N application rates on the root spatial distribution and root morphology of intercropped faba bean and maize.The row root separation technique was used and crop roots were sampled by auger.The results showed that the roots of faba bean and maize were mainly distributed in 0-40 cm and 0-60 cm soil layer,respectively.The roots of intercropped maize at 60-120 cm soil layer were more than that of maize with root barrier,and the deeper distribution of roots of intercropped maize was in favor of competition-recovery growth at later growth stage.The roots of intercropped maize could extend the below-ground space of intercropped faba bean,and the less root of intercropped faba bean got to the below-ground space of maize.Both interspecific interactions between intercropped faba bean and maize and N application increased the root bulk density (RBD),root length density(RLD),root surface area(RSA),root volume(RV) of both crops in the vertical and horizontal directions in faba bean/mazie intercropping ecology system.Intercropping and N fertilization expanded the root spatial ecology niche of both crops in vertical and horizontal directions,and changed the root morphology of both cropsp to increase water and nutrient uptake,and resulted in higher productivity.
Key words:  faba bean/maize intercrop  row root barrier  root spatial distribution  root morphology