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李鑫1, 姜娜2,3, 武阳2, 袁建平4, 江培福4, 孙淑云4, 张孝5
(1.北京市昌平区水务局,北京 100022;2.中国农业大学 中国农业水问题研究中心,北京 100083;3.中国科学院 水利部水土保持研究所,黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,陕西 杨凌 712100;4.水利部综合事业局,北京 100053;5.内蒙古四子王旗水务局,内蒙古 四子王旗 011800)
为了研究干旱牧区利用雨水灌溉青贮玉米的可行性,在不同的坡度上布置产流区向下方汇水,形成雨水叠加以增加下方土壤储蓄的雨水,从而增加常量提高雨水利用效率。研究结果表明,5°坡面和12°坡面径流区的集水效率分别为82.5%和87.3%; 12°坡面上青贮玉米的长势、产量和水利用效率较5°坡面的高,12°坡面和5°坡面上的青贮玉米的平均株高为71.8和34.1 cm,平均产量为18.6和0.63 t/hm2,水利用效率分别为126.41和44.23 kg/(hm2·mm)。研究结果可为在干旱牧区利用雨水叠加措施种植青贮玉米提供理论参考。
关键词:  牧草  干旱牧区  雨水叠加利用  水分利用效率
基金项目:中国农业大学科研启动基金(10099823); 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱作农业国家重点实验室开放基金资助(10501-202)第一作者:李鑫,工程师,硕士,主要从事水土资源与环境研究,E-mail:xin62392894@126.com通讯作者:姜娜,讲师,博士,主要从事水土资源与环境研究,E-mail:jiangna7689@163.com
Influence s of rainwater irrigation on growth of corn silage in the arid grassland
LI Xin1, JIANG Na2,3, WU Yang2, YUAN Jian-ping4, JIANG Pei-fu4, SUN Shu-yun4, ZHANG Xiao5
(1.Bureau of Water Conservancy Changping District,Beijing 100022, China;2.Center for Agricultural Water Research in China,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Water Conservancy, Yangling 712100, China;4.Bureau of Comprehensive Development, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100053, China;5.Bureau of Water Conservancy, Siziwang County, Inner Mongolia,Siziwang County 011800,China)
In order to study the feasibility of using rainwater to irrigate the corn silage in the pasturing area of north China, runoff ground was disposed in different slopes, where rainwater superposes to increase the rain water use efficiency. The study indicated that the superposing efficiencies were 82.5% and 87.3%, respectively, for the slopes of 5° and 12°. The growth vigour, yield and rainwater utilization efficiencies of corn silage on 12° were higher than those on 5°; the average heights were 71.8 and 34.1 cm, the average yields 18.6 and 6.3 t/hm2, the rainwater utilization efficiencies were 126.41 and 44.23 kg/(hm2·mm), respectively, on 12° and 5° slopes.
Key words:  corn silage  arid grassland  rainwater superpose  water utilization efficiency