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侯天侦1, 李保明1,2, 滕光辉1,2, 祁丽荣2, 侯凯3
(1.中国农业大学 农业部设施农业工程重点开放实验室,北京 100083;2.中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,北京 100083;3.青岛天侦物理农业工程研究中心,山东 青岛 266071)
对植物声频控制技术的发展做了概述。1)该项技术的基础研究已由群体、个体、器官逐步深入到细胞和分子水平,包括光合和呼吸代谢、细胞周期同步化、生长激素、多种酶活性、可溶性蛋白和RNA的变化的研究,而技术的应用尚处于产业化的初期。2)在水稻、棉花、小麦和部分蔬菜上的试验示范和应用结果表明了该项技术的增产、优质、抗病和环保作用。特定频率的声波处理可提高作物产量:水稻盆栽试验增产幅度17.4%~39.7%,田间试验增产5.7%;棉花增产幅度6.0%~9.0%;小麦增产17.0%;设施蔬菜的黄瓜、青椒增产高达60.0%以上。声波处理还提高了农作物品质,如:水稻的整精米率和蛋白质含量分别提高了59.4%和8.9%;小麦的淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪含量分别提高了6.3%、8.5%和11.6%。应用该项技术可有效地减轻病虫害危害:水稻纹枯病减轻了50%;处理温室番茄的红蜘蛛、蚜虫、灰霉病、晚疫病、和病毒病分别较对照组下降了6.0%、8.0%、9.0%、11.0%和8.0%。另外,3年的水稻盆栽试验结果表明,应用声波处理可减少25.0%的化肥用量。水稻、棉花和部分蔬菜应用该项技术的投资产出比为1∶2~1∶3。3)该项技术的发展潜力巨大。若我国每村销售3~4台本研究设计的植物声频处理装置(供专业户使用),则市场年需求量约在100万台,可处理农田6.7×106 hm2,国际市场需求量更大。植物声频控制技术应用研究的趋势是一方面与信息化技术相结合,实现产品的自动化和专一化;另一方面要与包括电、磁、光、热、核等物理农业技术组装集成为配套技术体系。
关键词:  物理农业  植物声频控制技术  水稻  棉花  小麦  蔬菜
Research and application progress of plant acoustic frequency technology
HOU Tian-zhen1, LI Bao-ming1,2, TENG Guang-hui1,2, QI Li-rong2, HOU Kai3
(1.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment,Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100083,China;2.College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering,China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083,China;3.Research Center of Physical Agricultural Engineering of Tianzhen,Qingdao 266071,China)
In this paper, the research and application progress of the plant acoustic frequency technology are reviewed. The fundamental study of the technology has progressed from the levels of group, individual and organ to the cellular and molecular levels, including the research of photosynthetic and respiratory metabolism, cell cycle synchronization, growth hormone, several of enzymatic activities, soluble protein and RNA changes. However the technology is still in the early stages of industrialization. The experimental results on major crops i.e. rice, cotton, wheat and some vegetables verified effects that the technology can increase the crop yield, improve the nutrition and quality, strengthen the capability of disease and enhance environmental protection. Sound waves with specific frequency can increase crop yield. For example, the rice yield in pot experiment increased by 17.4%-39.7% and 5.7% in the field trials; cotton yield by 6.0%-9.0%; wheat yield by 17.0%; and the yields of cucumber and green pepper up to 60.0%. Sound processing can increase the quality of crops, for instance, head rice rate and protein content of rice increased by 59.4% and 8.9%, respectively; starch, protein and fat content of wheat increased by 6.3%, 8.5% and 11.6%, respectively. Application of this technology can effectively militate against plant diseases and insect pests. For example, the sheath blight of rice reduced by half; and the spider mite, aphids, gray mold, late blight and virus disease of tomato in the greenhouse decreased by 6.0%, 8.0%, 9.0%, 11.0% and 8.0%, respectively. In addition, the three-year rice test results show that the application of sound processing can reduce the amount of 25.0% fertilizer. The input-output ratio of the application of sound control technology on the rice, cotton and some vegetables is 1∶2-1∶3 generally. The technology has a great marketing potential. For example, if the products have been sold to the specialized farmers, say, each village purchase 3- 4 sets. As the result, there will be one million sets being sold in China each year. The processed farming area can reach to 6.7×106 hm2. Comparing to domestic market, the international market is even bigger. The trend of applied research of audio plant control technology is, on the one hand, combined with information technology; on the other hand is combined with technologies of electricity, magnetism, light, heat and nuclear engineering into an integrated technology system.
Key words:  physical agriculture  acoustic frequency technology  rice  cotton  wheat  vegetable