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李红利1,2, 孙振元2, 赵梁军1, 韩蕾2, 巨关升2
(1.中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院, 北京 100193;2.中国林业科学研究院林业研究所/国家林业局林木培育重点实验室,北京100091)
为探讨茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmonate, MJ)对东方百合生长发育及内源激素含量的影响,本试验以东方百合"索蚌"为试材,用不同质量浓度的MJ进行浸球和营养生长期、现蕾期叶面喷施处理,调查了百合株高、花期及鳞茎等相关指标的变化,并测定了现蕾期叶片中内源激素含量。结果表明:浸球处理使东方百合始花期提前;0.1和1.0 mg/L MJ现蕾期喷施处理植株的株高显著高于对照,分别为87.92 和87.67 cm;1.0 mg/L MJ现蕾期喷施处理使单株花期和群体花期分别延长2.09和3.25 d,鳞茎周径增大1.66 cm;花朵寿命和单株花朵数无显著变化;处理质量浓度以现蕾期喷施1.0 mg/L MJ为最佳。百合株高、单株花期和鳞茎周径与生长素(IAA)及生长素(IAA)/玉米素核苷(ZR)显著正相关。
关键词:  茉莉酸甲酯  东方百合  生长发育  内源激素
基金项目:国家"863"计划资助项目(2007AA100105)第一作者:李红利,硕士研究生,Email: lihongli0808@163.com通讯作者:孙振元,研究员,主要从事观赏园艺栽培生理研究,Email: sunzy@caf.ac.cn
Effects of methyl jasmonate on growth and development of Oriental Lily
LI Hong-li1,2, SUN Zhen-yuan2, ZHAO Liang-jun1, HAN Lei2, JU Guan-sheng2
(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China)
This paper is concerned on the effect of methyl jasmonate (MJ) treatment method on Oriental Lily 'Sorbonne’. The measuring parameters included plant height, florescence, bulb perimeter and phytohormone content of leaves. The result showed that bulb soaking with MJ induced in early flowering. Plant height reached 87.92 and 87.67 cm by spraying 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L MJ during squaring period plant, which were significantly higher than control. Spraying 1.0 mg/L MJ during squaring period prolonged florescence per plant and inflorescence of population by 2.09 and 3.25 d, enlarged the bulb perimeter by 1.66 cm. However, MJ treatment had no significant effects on either flower life or the number of flower per plant. The suitable concentration of MJ was 1 mg per liter. There were significant positive relationships among plant height, florescence per plant, bulb perimeter and IAA and IAA/ZR.
Key words:  methyl jasmonate  Oriental Lily  growth and development  phytohormone