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为了检测进口球根花卉种球携带的线虫,尤其是检疫名录之外的植物线虫,本研究首次采用本实验室设计的线虫7 d自然游离分离法对进口花卉种球所携带的线虫进行了数量检测和营养类群归类。结果表明:1)从荷兰和新西兰进口的百合、郁金香等6种花卉种球中检出的线虫共涉及3目10科12属,其中非植物线虫分属1目3科4属,检疫名录以外的植物线虫数量占前3位的属有拟滑刃属(Aphelenchoides)、滑刃属(Aphelenchus)和短体属(Pratylenchus),分别占植物线虫总数的77.1%、16.4%和2.9%;2)新西兰进口百合种球中检测出的拟滑刃属线虫数量(426条/10球)为荷兰进口品种的3.5倍(123条/10球)。3)上述两国进口的百合种球中有3个品种携带潜在危险性线虫——根结属线虫,但数量较少,平均2~7条/10球,同时还携带非植物线虫,分属于盆咽属、拟丽突属、头叶属和小杆属,数量在50~300条/10球之间。
关键词:  进口花卉  百合  郁金香  植物检疫  线虫营养类群  数量风险
Inspection on trophic groups and quantity of nematodes carried in by imported corm flowers
For inspecting the quantity of nematodes in different trophic groups,especially that of those had not been listed in the quarantine organisms,the inspection on the nematodes imported together with corm flowers was carried out in this study with a new 7-day natural separation method created in our laboratory.The results shown that.1) The nematodes isolated from imported corms of lily,tulip and other 4 kinds of corm flowers from Holland and New Zealand were classified into 3 orders,10 families and 12 genera,among which un-phytoparasitic nematodes were classified into 1 order,3 families and 4 genera.Most of unlisted quarantine plant parasitic nematodes in the varieties of lily corms belong to the genus of Aphelenchoides(accounted for 77.1% of total isolated plant parasitic nematodes),Aphelenchus(16.4%) and Pratylenchus(2.9%).2) The amount of nematodes in Aphelenchoides genus found in lily corms from New Zealand(426 nema./10 corms)were 3.5 times as that from Holland(123 nema./10 corms).3) There were three imported varieties of lily corms carried Meloidogyne spp.,which are potential quarantine nematodes in China,but the quantity of those was small,between 2 to 7 individuals per 10 corms.The corms of the three varieties not only carried the potential quarantine nematodes but also took un-plant parasitic nematodes which belong to the genus of Panagrolaimus,Acribeloides, Cephalobus and Rhabditis.The amounts of these un-plant parasitic nematodes were between 50 to 300 nematodes per 10 corms.
Key words:  imported flowers,lily,tulip,plant quarantine,nematode trophic group,quantity risk