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使用Visual Basic6.0编程语言开发了YMapper产量分布图生成软件系统。研究了一种具有粗大误差数据过滤功能的局部平均插值方法,分析了产量分布图生成过程中涉及到的坐标系定义、产量数据分类与统计分析、图形配色与绘制等问题。对谷物和棉花等作物产量数据的处理结果表明,该系统能够对联合收割机测产系统记录的产量数据文件进行处理,通过插值运算将离散分布的产量数据点生成连续的产量分布图;其误差数据过滤功能能够防止产量过低和过高的粗大误差数据点参与插值运算,使产量分布图的精度得到了保证。系统能够按照用户设置的分类和着色方式,将作物产量的空间分布情况以产量数据点图或产量分布图的形式显示。并且能够对作物的产量水平进行统计分析。
关键词:  产量分布图 生成系统 作物产量 农业生产效率 精细农业 插值分析 软件开发
基金项目:国家“十五”科技攻关计划,精准农业机械装备技术开发与应用 (2 0 0 2BA2 0 7B)
Study on a yield map generating system
A yield map generating system-YMapper was developed using Visual Basic 6.0 programming language. A local-averaging interpolation method with a coarse error data filter was studied. Approaches of coordinates definition, yield data classification and statistics, yield map rendering and plotting were discussed. The system was tested with yield data of winter wheat, soybean, corn, and cotton. The test result showed that the system was steady. Using the interpolation function available and useful yield maps can be generated from yield data that gathered by combine harvester yield monitoring system. The error data filter can prevent the yield data with too high or too low value from being calculated while interpolation, then the yield map accurate can be improved. The system can show how the yield distributed in the field in the form of yield data point maps or yield maps, which can be rendered and classified according to users' needs. Statistics function is also provided for yield data analysis.
Key words:  precision agriculture,yield map generation,interpolation,software development