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为了消除在计算冬小麦全生育期总积温时不同条件造成的差异,用相对发育理论对积温进行了归一化处理。结果表明:与积温相比,相对发育阶段(RDS)表达的冬小麦生长发育进程更加清晰,更具有可比性。邯5316的拔节,抽穗和灌浆期的RDS分别约为0.47,0.59和0.69,连续5茬不施N肥使 3个时期的RDS分别增大到0.52,0.62和0.75,说明冬小麦的生长发育受到了严重的抑制;水分和盐分盐迫与缺N胁迫的效应相似;推迟20d播种时冬小麦前期的发育较快,上述3个时期的RDS分别为0.39,0.52和0.64。以RDS表示的叶片出现时间与叶片在主茎上的叶序之间存在显著的线性相关关系,方程的斜率和截距分别为0.0381和0.05,回归系数R^2达到0.8916;在非生物因子影响很小的理想条件下,叶片的衰亡时间与出叶时间的规律相似,回归方程的斜率,截距和回归系数分别为0.2099,0.00681和0.9938。在当地大田试验条件下,日长变化对几个品种叶片的出生速率影响不大。
关键词:  冬小麦 叶片发育 模拟研究 积温 相对发育阶段
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目 (G19991170 9),荷兰 SAIL基金会中荷合作资助项目 (SAIL- SPP2 99.399)
A Simulation Study on Thermal Requirement for Growth of Winter Wheat and Its Leaves
The concept of the relative development stage ( RDS ) was adopted to account for the variation of the total thermal requirement for winter wheat and its leaf development in order to avoid the difference arose by the traditional method of accumulated temperature in the crop cycle. It was found that the RDS could express wheat development clearer than degree day, accumulated temperacture of traditional method and could greatly help to reveal the mechanisms of different factor's influence on wheat and its leaf development. The RDS was 0.47,0.59 and 0.69 repectively when winter wheat reach stem elongation stage, ear sprouting and filling stages. Without N fertilizer application in consecutive 5 rotating period, the relative RDS of three stages were increased to 0.52,0.62 and 0.75, means that the development of winter wheat is depressed seriously by nitrogen deficit. Similar phenomena were also found while water deficit or stress was serious. And the RDS of three stages were decreased to 0.39,0.52 and 0.64 if planting date was delayed by 20 days. Significant linear relationship was proven between leaf emergence represented by RDS and the leaf order on the stem, and so was the relationship between the time of leaf withering and RDS , if abiotic factors were phased out. The simulated leaf emergence rate indicates that leaf emergence is inhibited by salt, water and nitrogen stresses, whereas low temperatures caused from delayed sowing accelerated leaf emergence. Furthermore, the influence of daylength on crop development and leaf growth was evaluated, but no significant effect of day length was found in field. This might be attributed to the relatively small variation of daylength during the experimental periods.
Key words:  winter wheat,crop development,thermal requirement,relative development stage( RDS ),leaf